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Oh No! Children are Growing Horns!

  • June 21, 2019
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Every couple of years there’s some new medical report that scares the public into something, due to technology.  From “phantom vibrations”, to “cell phone pinky”, to any degree of “internet scare” the media blames on kids. (Seriously, look it up,…

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Juice Lies

  • October 19, 2018
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When was the last time you took a stroll down the “juice aisle”?  Have you noticed how many different types of “juices” there are? Did you find yourself here in search of something healthy? Which bottle do you choose?  There…

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DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis

  • October 19, 2018
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DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis is a very fancy name for pain across the wrist at the thumb. The location of this pain is rather easy to identify.  The pain is felt at the base of the thumb. If you hold your hand…

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What is Frozen Shoulder?

  • February 3, 2018
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The condition commonly referred to as “frozen shoulder” is actually called adhesive capsulitis.  This is a condition where the muscles of the rotator cuff become inflamed and resisted to motion, so severely, that the joint capsule around the shoulder actually…

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Are You Experiencing Sudden Shoulder Pain?

  • January 20, 2018
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"OWW  My shoulder hurts like crazy. What the heck… I didn’t even do anything!!" Many of us have experienced this situation.  You get a sudden sharp pain in your shoulder and when you feel it, it feels like there’s a…

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Is Chiropractic Safe for Pregnancy?

I regularly get asked this question.  Chiropractic, done properly, is completely safe throughout the course of pregnancy.  You can even be treated right through the 3rd trimester!  Treatment does vary a bit as the pregnancy progresses.  Don’t think for one…

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Is Activity Important?

We’ve all heard that physical activity is important… Just how important is moving? VERY. Specifically, how important is it? The general idea for why all of healthcare focuses so much on physical activity because the more active a person is,…

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Sugar Lies

I’m sure everyone has heard that sugar is bad for them.  I discuss this routinely with patients, and quite often see research/blog articles pop up on my social media feeds that promote the idea of limiting sugar, but at the…

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